You came into my life
Autor: George Cornici  |  Album: Versuri printre pelerini  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de geocornic in 05/06/2017

You came into my life with peace
The meaning of eternal life to tell
It didn’t take long to feel Heaven’s kiss
And down on my knees I fell.

You came into my life with song
To bring a faith that can not die
Up to that moment I was wrong
I said there was nothing beyond the sky.

You came into my life with grace
(The supreme gesture of love it was)
What followed was your divine embrace
To be able to obey your laws.

Into my life with joy you came
(A joy that never goes away)
Yes, „Jesus”- the most wonderful name
I’ll follow you each step of the way.

You came into my life with light
The waves of ignorance to qonquer,
To remove pain caused by night,
To be my unmovable anchor.

You came into my life to bring
Words whose meanings will always stay
That’s why I knew You are the King
Who came down all my debts to pay.

George Cornici/June 4, 2017
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